Class DefaultSchedulingPriorityStrategy.SimulatedUser

    • Field Detail

      • guaranteedCpu

        public final double guaranteedCpu
      • guaranteedMemory

        public final double guaranteedMemory
      • assignedCpu

        protected double assignedCpu
      • assignedMemory

        protected double assignedMemory
    • Method Detail

      • getScore

        protected double getScore​(double availableCpu,
                                  double availableMemory,
                                  TopologyDetails td)
        Get a score for the simulated user. This is used to sort the users, by their highest priority topology. The only requirement is that if the user is over their guarantees, or there are no available resources the returned score will be > 0. If they are under their guarantee it must be negative.
        availableCpu - available CPU on the cluster.
        availableMemory - available memory on the cluster.
        td - the topology we are looking at.
        the score.
      • getScore

        public double getScore​(double availableCpu,
                               double availableMemory)