Interface IAutoCredentials

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractHadoopAutoCreds, AutoHBase, AutoHDFS, AutoSSL, AutoTGT

public interface IAutoCredentials
Provides a way to automatically push credentials to a topology and to retrieve them in the worker.
  • Method Details

    • prepare

      void prepare(Map<String,Object> conf)
    • populateCredentials

      void populateCredentials(Map<String,String> credentials)
      Called to populate the credentials on the client side.
      credentials - the credentials to be populated.
    • populateSubject

      void populateSubject(Subject subject, Map<String,String> credentials)
      Called to initially populate the subject on the worker side with credentials passed in.
      subject - the subject to optionally put credentials in.
      credentials - the credentials to be used.
    • updateSubject

      void updateSubject(Subject subject, Map<String,String> credentials)
      Called to update the subject on the worker side when new credentials are recieved. This means that populateSubject has already been called on this subject.
      subject - the subject to optionally put credentials in.
      credentials - the credentials to be used.