Version: 2.7.0

Metrics Reporting API v2

Apache Storm version 1.2 introduced a new metrics system for reporting internal statistics (e.g. acked, failed, emitted, transferred, queue metrics, etc.) as well as a new API for user defined metrics.

The new metrics system is based on Dropwizard Metrics.

User Defined Metrics

To allow users to define custom metrics, the following methods have been added to the TopologyContext class, an instance of which is passed to spout's open() method and bolt's prepare() method:

public Timer registerTimer(String name)

public Histogram registerHistogram(String name)

public Meter registerMeter(String name)

public Counter registerCounter(String name)

public Gauge registerGauge(String name, Gauge gauge)

API documentation: Timer, Histogram, Meter, Counter, Gauge

Each of these methods takes a name parameter that acts as an identifier. When metrics are registered, Storm will add additional information such as hostname, port, topology ID, etc. to form a unique metric identifier. For example, if we register a metric named myCounter as follows:

    Counter myCounter = topologyContext.registerCounter("myCounter");

the resulting name sent to metrics reporters will expand to:

   storm.topology.{topology ID}.{hostname}.{component ID}.{task ID}.{worker port}-myCounter 

The additional information allows for the unique identification of metrics for component instances across the cluster.

Important Note: In order to ensure metric names can be reliably parsed, any . characters in name components will be replaced with an underscore (_) character. For example, the hostname will appear as storm_example_com in the metric name. This character substitution *is not applied to the user-supplied name parameter.

Example: Tuple Counter Bolt

The following example is a simple bolt implementation that will report the running total up tuples received by a bolt:

public class TupleCountingBolt extends BaseRichBolt {
    private Counter tupleCounter;
    public void prepare(Map stormConf, TopologyContext context, OutputCollector collector) {
        this.tupleCounter = context.registerCounter("tupleCount");

    public void execute(Tuple input) {;

Metric Reporter Configuration

For metrics to be useful they must be reported, in other words sent somewhere where they can be consumed and analyzed. That can be as simple as writing them to a log file, sending them to a time series database, or exposing them via JMX.

The following metric reporters are supported

  • Console Reporter (org.apache.storm.metrics2.reporters.ConsoleStormReporter): Reports metrics to System.out.
  • CSV Reporter (org.apache.storm.metrics2.reporters.CsvStormReporter): Reports metrics to a CSV file.
  • Graphite Reporter (org.apache.storm.metrics2.reporters.GraphiteStormReporter): Reports metrics to a Graphite server.
  • JMX Reporter (org.apache.storm.metrics2.reporters.JmxStormReporter): Exposes metrics via JMX.

Custom metrics reporters can be created by implementing org.apache.storm.metrics2.reporters.StormReporter interface or extending org.apache.storm.metrics2.reporters.ScheduledStormReporter class.

By default, Storm will collect metrics but not "report" or send the collected metrics anywhere. To enable metrics reporting, add a topology.metrics.reporters section to storm.yaml or in topology configuration and configure one or more reporters.

The following example configuration sets up two reporters: a Graphite Reporter and a Console Reporter:

  # Graphite Reporter
  - class: "org.apache.storm.metrics2.reporters.GraphiteStormReporter"
    report.period: 60
    report.period.units: "SECONDS" "localhost"
    graphite.port: 2003

  # Console Reporter
  - class: "org.apache.storm.metrics2.reporters.ConsoleStormReporter"
    report.period: 10
    report.period.units: "SECONDS"
        class: "org.apache.storm.metrics2.filters.RegexFilter"
        expression: ".*my_component.*emitted.*"

Each reporter section begins with a class parameter representing the fully-qualified class name of the reporter implementation.

Many reporter implementations are scheduled, meaning they report metrics at regular intervals. The reporting interval is determined by the report.period and report.period.units parameters.

Reporters can also be configured with an optional filter that determines which metrics get reported. Storm includes the org.apache.storm.metrics2.filters.RegexFilter filter which uses a regular expression to determine which metrics get reported. Custom filters can be created by implementing the org.apache.storm.metrics2.filters.StormMetricFilter interface:

public interface StormMetricsFilter extends MetricFilter {

     * Called after the filter is instantiated.
     * @param config A map of the properties from the 'filter' section of the reporter configuration.
    void prepare(Map<String, Object> config);

    *  Returns true if the given metric should be reported.
    boolean matches(String name, Metric metric);


V2 metrics can be reported with a long name (such as storm.topology.mytopologyname-17-1595349167.hostname.__system.-1.6700-memory.pools.Code-Cache.max) or with a short name and dimensions (such as memory.pools.Code-Cache.max with dimensions task Id of -1 and component Id of __system) if reporters support this. Each reporter defaults to using the long metric name, but can report the short name by configuring report.dimensions.enabled to true for the reporter.

Backwards Compatibility Notes

  1. V2 metrics can also be reported to the Metrics Consumers registered with topology.metrics.consumer.register by enabling the topology.enable.v2.metrics.tick configuration. The rate that they will reported to Metric Consumers is controlled by topology.v2.metrics.tick.interval.seconds, defaulting to every 60 seconds.

  2. Starting from storm 2.3, the config storm.metrics.reporters is deprecated in favor of topology.metrics.reporters.

  3. Starting from storm 2.3, the daemons section is removed from topology.metrics.reporters (or storm.metrics.reporters). Before storm 2.3, a daemons section is required in the reporter conf to determine which daemons the reporters will apply to. However, the reporters configured with topology.metrics.reporters (or storm.metrics.reporters) actually only apply to workers. They are never really used in daemons like nimbus, supervisor and etc. For daemon metrics, please refer to Cluster Metrics.

  4. Backwards Compatibility Breakage: starting from storm 2.3, the following configs no longer apply to topology.metrics.reporters: yaml storm.daemon.metrics.reporter.plugin.locale storm.daemon.metrics.reporter.plugin.rate.unit storm.daemon.metrics.reporter.plugin.duration.unit

    They only apply to daemon metric reporters configured via storm.daemon.metrics.reporter.plugins for storm daemons. The corresponding configs for topology.metrics.reporters can be configured in reporter conf with locale, rate.unit, duration.unit respectively, for example, yaml topology.metrics.reporters: # Console Reporter - class: "org.apache.storm.metrics2.reporters.ConsoleStormReporter" report.period: 10 report.period.units: "SECONDS" locale: "en-US" rate.unit: "SECONDS" duration.unit: "SECONDS" Default values will be used if they are not set or set to null.