Apache Storm 0.10.1 Released

The Apache Storm community is pleased to announce that version 0.10.1 has been released and is available from the downloads page.

This is a maintenance release that includes a number of important bug fixes that improve Apache Storm's performance, stability and fault tolerance. We encourage users of previous versions to upgrade to this latest release.


Special thanks are due to all those who have contributed to Apache Storm -- whether through direct code contributions, documentation, bug reports, or helping other users on the mailing lists. Your efforts are much appreciated.

Full Changelog

  • STORM-1731: Avoid looking up debug enable flags within critical path
  • STORM-1645: convert nimbus.thrift.port to int to avoid ClassCastException
  • STORM-1535: Make sure hdfs key tab login happens only once for multiple bolts/executors
  • STORM-584: Fix logging for LoggingMetricsConsumer metrics.log file
  • STORM-1603: Storm UT fails on supervisor test in Windows (0.10.x)
  • STORM-1596: Do not use single Kerberos TGT instance between multiple threads
  • STORM-1482: add missing 'break' for RedisStoreBolt
  • STORM-1481: avoid Math.abs(Integer) get a negative value
  • STORM-1121: Deprecate test only configuraton nimbus.reassign
  • STORM-1180: FLUX logo wasn't appearing quite right